Welcome & Greetings!!!
I am Fawad, an early-career academic and researcher in the area of Structural Engineering. I am associated with University of British Columbia (UBC, Canada) and have set up this web portal as an online repository of my open educational resources. It contains my lectures, video playlists, class notes, blogposts, research publications, and many other resources. Please feel free to use them for educational and instructional purposes.
I also maintain a comprehensive set of professional training resources on my YouTube channel “Understanding Structures with Fawad Najam“. Please do visit this channel to explore detailed video playlists on topics of my educational interests.
For any feedbacks, please contact at fawad.najam@ubc.ca.
Happy Learning !!!
Our study interests include the areas in structural dynamics, earthquake engineering, performance-based seismic assessment and design of structures, numerical analysis, seismic hazard analysis, disaster resilience and vulnerability assessment, nonlinear modeling of structures, finite element programming, and structural engineering software development.
Going beyond the Code !!!
Going beyond the Code!!! An account of Performance-based Design and Seismic Evaluation of Buildings Introduction Once upon a time, there was a poor middle-aged farmer who had two wives (For a moment, please neglect the reason why he went for such an adventure). The first one was of same age [...]
In the aftermath of Nepal Earthquake – The Dilemma of a Structural Engineer
In the aftermath of Nepal Earthquake – The Dilemma of a Structural Engineer Look at this picture! Courtesy: Noelle Soren and David Soren, 2008 While browsing through internet pages and social media, I came across this picture and it somehow got stuck in my mind. These skeletons were found by two [...]